Company Name: SPO
Terms of Reference
Rationale and Background:
A pilot project ‘Promotion of Social Well-Being of Sanitary Workers (PSWSW) in Sindh’ is aimed to work for and address social well-being, health and safety related issues of sanitary workers in Sindh. SPO will adopt multi- pronged approach to address the adverse issues of sanitary workers by carrying out comprehensive analysis of existing policies, social and systemic practices and providing recommendations to relevant stakeholders for improvement in working conditions of sanitary work in the target districts of Sindh. Within this framework of ‘Promotion of Social Well-Being of Sanitary Workers (PSWSW) in Sindh, an analytical assessment and overview of existing laws and policies is sought to be carried out to lay out set of recommendations for lobbying and advocacy at district and provincial level in Sindh.
Project Outcome: Sanitary workers experienced increased respect and acceptance within local communities and relevant departments and Local actors contributed to create, reform and/or better implement laws and policies for social well-being of sanitary workers
Scope of Work:
The major objective of this study is to identify the policy gaps in the existing policies/laws related to health and safety of sanitary / sewer workers and issues and challenges faced by them in Sindh. This exercise will help us highlight and identify the policy and execution level gaps. However, the recommendations of study will inform our influencing and lobbying strategy at district and provincial level in Sindh and to develop technical papers addressing the issues of sanitary / sewer workers.
The consultancy will have two major components as outlined below.
a. Task I: Current policies for sanitary worker:
Consultant will coordinate and collect primary data through 20 key Informant Interviews (KIIs) in Hyderabad and Karachi from the head/senior officials of relevant departments including local Government, Health, P&D, Hyderabad Development Authority (HDA), WASA, Hyderabad Municipal Corporation, Sindh Human Rights Commission, Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner and generate report containing analytical overview of existing policies and laws for the safety and wellbeing of sanitary workers.
A hired consultant will be required to carry out comprehensive literature review through secondary data and propose the recommendations keeping in consideration of best practices being implemented elsewhere in the similar social settings in South Asia. The review and mapping of policies will provide an evidence based real time contextual analysis, findings of the gravity of the issue and practical recommendations that could be taken forward for policy advocacy and to address structural constraints and social discrimination.
b. Task II: Social issues and discrimination of Sanitary Workers:
Incumbent shall be required to conduct 10 in depth interviews of male and female sanitary workers and conduct 04-06 FGDs with respective communities to validate and triangulate the issues are shared in in-depth interviews.
A set of recommendations will be prepared to address the issues of social stigmatization, exclusion, occupational health and safety and social wellbeing of the sanitary workers in their communities and in general.
Thus, the analytical report will comprise 04 major components:
a) Literature review of secondary data
b) Methodology
c) Analysis and presentation of primary data
d) Recommendations for both sections.
The consultant will submit a final draft to the Region Office SPO and shall be prepared to incorporate any additional feedback and revisions as deemed necessary.
Specific Guidelines:
a) Prepare table of contents and get it approved from regional head of SPO Hyderabad.
b) Share the list of documents reviewed and prepare a lexicon specifically being used for sanitary workers
c) Questionnaires for KIIs for prior approval from regional head of SPO Hyderabad.
d) Interview Guidelines for in-depth interviews for prior approval from regional head of SPO Hyderabad.
e) Guideline/questionnaire for FGDs for prior approval from regional head of SPO Hyderabad.
f) Analysis and presentation of primary and secondary data
g) The finalized report should not be longer than 50-60 pages.
Reporting Responsibilities:
The consultant will work under the direct supervision of Head of Programme, who will complete the evaluation report concerning the consultants work.
Performance Indicators:
Consultant’s performance will be evaluated against timeliness, responsibility, initiative, innovation, communication, and quality of the products delivered. The consultant is expected to conduct all business affairs in a manner consistent with the highest standards of integrity and to avoid any conflict of interest.
Consultant will be required to organize his/her meetings independently with all stakeholders /interviewees.
Consultant should ensure following deliverable:
Produce a well written and comprehensive report not be longer than 50 -60 pages with proposed recommendations.
Duration of the Contract:
The contract will start from 01 October, 2019 and will continue till 31 October, 2019.
S. No.
Tasks Breakdown
Table of content
Prepare table of content and approve from regional head / Head of Programme Islamabad.
1st week
Review Documents
Share the list of documents reviewed and prepare a lexicon specifically being used for sanitary workers
1st and 2nd week
Conduct KIIs and FGS, detail mentioned in 2. a&b and submission of 1st draft
2nd and 3rd week
Final Report
Review and feedback on Report by SPO
4th week
Total Number of Days
Qualifications/specialized knowledge required:
The consultancy provided by the individual/institution should ensure the following:
- To be lawyer / barrister or equivalent experience in the policy research and analysis of human rights and labour issues.
- 07 years demonstrable of experience in conducting Research and production of Analytical reports.
- Comprehensive knowledge of international treaties and instruments related to Human Rights, minority rights, Labor rights and political and civic participation and liberties.