Faculty Positions in Industrial Engineering - SaudiArabia

Location: Dammam
Company Name: Alfaisal University
Job Summary
The Industrial Engineering Department at Alfaisal University invites applications for a full time position at the Assistant, Associate or Professor level. Applicants must have a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering, or a closely related field, preferably from an ABET accredited institution. The successful candidate must have a strong research record and have experience of teaching and supervising graduate and undergraduate students. The faculty member is expected to participate in community outreach and provide service to the department, college, and university. The successful candidate is expected to bring experience, energy, motivation and leadership to the Department of Industrial Engineering. Specific areas of interest include:
  • Production Planning and Inventory Management
  • Logistics and Supply Chain
  • Operations research
  • Simulation

Applications will be assessed as they are received and the positions will remain open until filled or the search is closed. Both genders are welcome to apply. Currently, male and female students are enrolled in the College of Engineering.

Applicants must submit the following documents in a single pdf file:
  • A full curriculum vitae
  • A brief statement outlining teaching goals including an outline of a potential elective related to the applicant’s design research/scholarship areaA brief statement outlining teaching goals including an outline of a potential elective related to the applicant’s design research/scholarship area
  • A brief statement outlining a design research or scholarship agenda with evidence in the portfolio
  • Proof of promotion for Associate or Professor ranks
  • Contact information for three references (mail, telephone, and email)
  • Please submit your application at: https://jobs.alfaisal.edu/site/coe
    You may send any inquiries to coe@alfaisal.edu

    About Us
    Alfaisal University is a young and fast growing university located in the capital city of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. It was founded in 2008 as a private not-for-profit Institution, where English is the language of instructions. It consists of four colleges: Business, Engineering, Medicine, Pharmacy, and Science.

    The College of Engineering has been offering a wide range of degrees and programs through a blend of rigorous and project-based curricula. Currently, the college offers bachelor’s degrees in Architectural, Electrical, Industrial, Mechanical and Software Engineering. These programs meet the highest international accreditation standards such as ABET. In addition, a master’s degree in Engineering & Systems Management is being offered in collaboration with the Centre for Complex Engineering Systems (CCES) at KACST (King Abdulaziz City for Science & Technology) and MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). The College of Engineering faculties come from around the world. All of whom have brought with them a wealth of experience and the latest educational technologies to their classrooms

    Riyadh is a modern and attractive city at the political, economic and cultural hub of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Coast Countries. Because of the large, well-established expatriate community, English is commonly spoken by service providers at retail outlets, hospitals, etc. The climate in Riyadh is very comfortable during the fall and spring semesters and is similar to what you would experience in the southwestern part of the United States. There are numerous, world class education options for the children of Alfaisal faculty and the proximity of Saudi Arabia to other middle-eastern, European, and Asian popular travel destinations makes it an ideal location for someone that would like to experience new cultures.

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